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Call To Action

The Night Shift's season 4 premiere is less than a week away and we wanted to share some things that you as a fan can help spread the word about the show and help with ratings. The better the ratings, the better the chance for future seasons! With only 10 episodes, the more people watching and talking about the show, the more likely NBC will be to listen.

The most important of these things is to watch the show LIVE at 10pm every Thursday night on NBC whenever possible. If you are unable to watch it live, the graphic below has the information about how to make DVR viewings count the most towards ratings:

It is also important to create a buzz on social media surrounding The Night Shift. Here are a few suggestions for ways to do that.


If you are on Twitter, join in the fun and LIVE TWEET along with the cast and other fans every week during the show!

Twitter Ratings -

Tweets count 3 hours before, during the broadcast, and 3 hours after. If you live in the US: Your tweets are called Unique and they count for more so tweet as much as you can. Only US tweets are counted for the Twitter ratings, which are based 80% off Unique and 20% other (RT), but you can retweet international fans. If you live outside the US: You can still make an impact and show your love by live tweeting. It will help with the worldwide trends and trending topics. Please tweet using the hashtag #NightShift and say positive things about the show, the characters and the actors. Avoid mentioning things you do not like.

You can also encourage your followers to watch by tweeting out this graphic:

If you'd like, you can use the following photos as your profile pic and/or Twitter header:

Twitter Profile Pic

Twitter Header


In an effort to help spread the word about the show, when you watch, use the "Currently Watching" status update option on Facebook and search/choose "The Night Shift" from the list.

As with Twitter, you may use the following photos as your profile pic and/or cover photo:

Facebook Profile Pic

Facebook Cover Photo

Talk about the show:

Tell your friends, family, co-workers to check out The Night Shift! Sometimes the best way to get more people to watch is when they can see how much you love something & the enthusiasm you have for the show, its stories and its characters! If they're new to the show, let them know they can watch the first three seasons on Netflix.

With everyone working together, it can give The Night Shift the attention it deserves and improve the chances of bringing it back! Let's do what we can to help!

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